Hello, everyone. It’s the first day of NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo 2024, and we hope you’re eager to get writing. As usual, we’ll be featuring a participant each day, giving you a poetry resource, and – of course – an optional prompt to help you in case you’re having trouble with inspiration.

Today’s featured participant is Glenn Mitchell, whose response to our early-bird prompt brings us rhyme, wordplay, and a heartfelt theme.

This year, our poetry resources will focus on social media accounts (though we’ll have a few other things, too) that regularly post poems from books, magazines, and elsewhere, letting you discover new-to-you poets, and just get a quick fix of poetry from time to time. Today’s resource is the twitter account of the poet Tom Snarsky, where you will find a plethora of poems to peruse!

And now for our daily (and totally optional) prompt. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write – without consulting the book – a poem that recounts the plot, or some portion of the plot, of a novel that you remember having liked but that you haven’t read in a long time.

Happy writing!

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