Hello, everyone! It’s March 15 and that means there’s just half a month left until April 1, and the start of Na/GloPoWriMo 2021.

We’ll be back in the few days leading up to April 1, but in the meantime, we wanted to point out that while we’ll be offering daily prompts to help you with your writing in April, we’re far from the only source for such daily inspiration! If our prompts don’t get your poem-engines going on a particular day (or if you just like to mix-and-match poetry prompts), you can also find prompts by Robert Lee Brewer at his April Poem-a-Day challenge. But wait, there’s more! Sundress Publications also offers a prompt every day (!) through their twitter account, using the hashtag #promptaday. You can also find a nice backlog of prompts at the website of the online journal urnal Winter Tangerine.

If you have a favorite source for prompts, please let us know in the comments (to access the comments for this post, just click on the post title, above!)

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