It’s the final Tuesday of NaPoWriMo, and we have just three days left in the month. I hope you’ve gotten your poetical “second wind.”

And we have two featured participants today, because I just couldn’t pick! First, Yoga Mom’s hay(na)ku lament for unseasonable weather, and then Summer Blues, where there are two poems, a single noir-ish hay(na)ku, and then a three-stanza variant, which I found very evocative.

Today’s poetry resource is Lemonhound, where you’ll find poems, reviews, poetics and craft essays, and more.

And now for today’s prompt (optional, as always). Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem about bridges. A bridge is a powerful metaphor, and when you start looking for bridges in poems, you find them everywhere. Your poem could be about a real bridge or an imaginary or ideal bridge. It could be one you cross every day, or one that simply seems to stand for something larger – for the idea of connection or distance, for the idea of movement and travel and new horizons.

Happy writing!

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