Hello, everyone. We’re now two-thirds of the way through the month. I hope you’ve been having fun.

And we have two featured participants today, each of which took the landay prompt for Day 19 in a slightly different direction. Here’s Kiana Donae’s serious and furtive landay of love, and here’s Voiceless Fricative’s humorous and slightly nutty one.

Today’s poetry resource is the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day, which – you guessed it – features a new poem each day. Featuring work by contemporary poets on weekdays and classic poems on weekends, it’s a nice mix of old and new.

And now for our prompt (optional, as always). Today, I challenge to write a poem that states the things you know. For example, “The sky is blue” or “Pizza is my favorite food” or “The world’s smallest squid is Parateuthis tunicata. Each line can be a separate statement, or you can run them together. The things you “know” of course, might be facts, or they might be a little bit more like beliefs. Hopefully, this prompt will let your poem be grounded in specific facts, while also providing room for more abstract themes and ideas.

Happy writing!

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