Hello, everyone. Today we’re 2/3 of the way through Na/GloPoWriMo. We hope that by the end of the day, you have 20 shiny poems under your belt and are ready to write ten more.

Our featured participant for the day is The Four Swans, where you’ll find a mysterious and somewhat discomfiting poem in response to Day 19’s haunt/hunt prompt.

Today’s resource is the Instagram account poetry is not a luxury, which serves up new poems every day.

Our optional prompt for the day challenges you to write a poem that recounts a historical event. In writing your poem, you could draw on your memory, encyclopedias, history books, or primary documents. If you’re interested in a little research, you might find interesting this collection of letters written during the American Civil War, or this collection of primary documents concerning South Sea voyages. Or perhaps you might find something of interest in digging through Europeana, an online clearinghouse of digitized materials from cultural institutions across Europe.

Happy writing!

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