Welcome back for Day Six of NaPoWriMo. Yesterday’s prompt was a bit of a doozy, so I’ve something much more simple lined up for today.

Our featured journal for the day is Stone Crowns. This online magazine is focused on young adult readers and has published NaPoWriMo-er Veronica Hosking (who was also our featured participant for Day 1). Check out the magazine’s submission guidelines here.

Today’s featured participant is Coordinated Mayhem, whose golden shovel for Day Five is based on Carl Sandburg’s poem, Fog.

And now, the (as always, optional) prompt. We got rather complicated with yesterday’s prompt, so today’s is much simpler. Take a good look outside your window. Spend a minute or so jotting down all the nouns you see outside. Tree. Car. Bus. Dog. Then spend a minute or so writing down all the colors you see. Finally, think about taking place outside. Is the wind blowing? “Blow.” Is someone walking their dog? “Walk.” Spend a minute or so writing down these verbs. Now you’ve got a whole list of words from which to build a poem, mixing and matching as you go. Happy writing!

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