Wow, everybody! We’re already a whole week into Na/GloPoWriMo 2022! If you’ve kept up with writing a poem a day so far, pat yourself on the back. And if you have fallen behind, no worries – there’s plenty of time to catch up – or just cut yourself some slack! While Na/GloPoWriMo is supposed to be a challenge, it’s supposed to be a fun one, not a slog.

Our featured participant for the day is Words with Ruth, where you’ll find not one, but two, poems inspired by Day Six’s acrostic-variation prompt.

Today’s featured online journal is Thrush, which has been publishing six issues a year since 2011.  Each issue is fairly short, giving you plenty of opportunity to savor the poems. In their latest issue, I’ll point you to Tennessee Hill’s “WE BUY BROKEN GOLD” and Chisom Okafor’s “hymn to the bowstring.”

And now for our (optional) prompt! Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that argues against, or somehow questions, a proverb or saying. They say that “all cats are black at midnight,” but really? Surely some of them remain striped. And maybe there is an ill wind that blows some good. Perhaps that wind just has some mild dyspepsia.  Whatever phrase you pick, I hope you have fun complicating its simplicity. Happy writing!

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