Happy first Sunday of Na/GloPoWriMo, all. Let’s give ourselves all a virtual round of applause for making it through the first week of the poem-a-day challenge!

Our featured participant today is Oregano Oranges, where you’ll find a response to Day 6’s “weird wisdom” prompt that places a unique spin on telling a lie.

Today’s featured resource is theheartofpoems, an Instagram account featuring both poetry and art.

And last but not least, we’re taking it easy with today’s (optional) prompt. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem titled “Wish You Were Here” that takes its inspiration from the idea of a postcard. Consistent with the abbreviated format of a postcard, your poem should be short, and should play with the idea of travel, distance, or sightseeing. If you’re having trouble getting started, perhaps you’ll find some inspiration in these images of vintage postcards.

Happy writing!

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