Hello, all! It’s Day 22 of NaPoWriMo.

Our featured link for the day is to Jacket2, an online magazine featuring commentary on modern and contemporary poetry and poetics. You’ll find reviews, interviews, and essays, as well as podcasts and digitized versions of out-of-print poetry journals.

Our features blog for the day is Masonry Design. This is Peter Roberts’ third year doing NaPoWriMo and, amazingly, it’s also the third year running that he is writing only poems about masonry!

And now, the prompt (it doesn’t have anything to do with masonry and, as always, is totally optional). Today is Earth Day. The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 and is now celebrated internationally. In honor of the occasion, I challenge you to write a poem in keeping with Earth Day — it could be a reflection on what’s growing in your garden, a modern pastoral, or a Marianne-Moore-style poem about an animal. Anything to do with the natural world is fair game. Happy writing!

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