Just one day left…
. . . until NaPoWriMo begins! I’ve had a few questions regarding NaPoWriMo blog “buttons,” so I’ve gone ahead and made up a couple:
If neither of these strikes your fancy, you might consider these buttons that Ivy Alvarez made a few years back. She also has an IntPoWriMo button for those of you who want to reflect that fact that you are outside the United States.
The first prompt goes up early tomorrow morning!
Two Days to Go…
Just two days left until NaPoWriMo begins. Are you going to write in the morning or evening? Do you have a theme for your poems? For some people, the regimented approach really works, while others prefer serendipity — writing as each day’s mood strikes them. There’s no “right” way to NaPoWriMo!
The Final Countdown!
Hello, everyone! We’ve just got three days to go until NaPoWriMo starts!
In the meantime, I thought I’d alert you to a couple of links. First, in honor of National Poetry (Writing) Month, the Poetry Foundation is having different poets blog each weekday in April. Check out their site to see new posts from Mary Jo Bang, Bill Berkson, Anthony Madrid, Evie Shockley, and many more!
Second, some of you may know that, in addition to NaPoWriMo, there is NaNoWriMo. The latter is quite the thing — it’s become a full-blown non-profit organization! Anyway, they asked me to write a post for their blog in a bid to convince November Novelists to perhaps try their hand at being April Poets. You can see the post here, and those of you who would like more tools for managing your NaPoWriMo efforts might want to check out their Camp NaNoWriMo site, which allows you to set goals for your writing, track your efforts, and connect with other writers.
Finally, in case you need musical inspiration, I give you Europe’s The Final Countdown.
One Week to Go!
Next Monday will be the first day of NaPoWriMo. I hope you’re as excited as I am! As I was wandering about the internet, looking for awesome poetry-related things to share with you over the month of April, I came upon the Big Poetry Giveaway, a sort of pay-it-forward poetry jamboree, in which bloggers give away — and get — books of poetry. The giveaway is now in its fourth year, and is being run this year by Susan Rich, a poet, teacher, and essayist living in Seattle, Washington. Stop by Susan’s blog before April 10 to sign up!
Start Your Engines…
We’ve got just ten days until NaPoWriMo! Perhaps you might care to warm up by browsing this list of poetic forms? I’ve been having fun looking at Google images of portraits of poets, myself.
In any event, no matter what gives you inspiration, it’s time to get your poetry thinking caps on!
Two Weeks to Go!
In just two weeks, it will be April 1 — the start of NaPoWriMo. If you haven’t signed up yet, what are you waiting for?
Thanks to everyone who has sent in ideas for prompts! I really am trying to come up with fresh, new ideas, and not just recycle prompts from years’ past. If you have an idea you think would work, please email me at napowrimonet-AT-gmail-DOT-com.
In the meantime, I’m happy to see many familiar faces among our early-bird signer-uppers. Welcome back! I hope to see many other old friends joining the roster before the month is out.
Twenty Days to Go
Hello, poets! We have twenty days to go until NaPoWriMo! Just like last year, I will be posting prompts each day, as well as featuring participants’ sites.
However, I’d like your help in coming up with prompts. If you have a good idea for a poetry prompt (it could be an idea for a form, a restriction, subject matter, etc), please let me know at napowrimonet-AT-gmail-DOT-com. If I select your prompt, I’ll credit you, and if you are participating in NaPoWriMo, I’ll link to your site as well.
Yes, Virginia, there is Social Media
Would you like to keep up with NaPoWriMo through twitter or Facebook? Well, it turns out you can do that!
Follow NaPoWriMo at @napowrimow2013, or like like NaPoWriMo on Facebook.
NaPoWriMo 2013 is Coming
Hello, o poets! It’s that time of year again — time to start thinking about NaPoWriMo. Signups are now open. Let’s see if we can break last year’s record of more than 1000 participants!