Hello, all, and welcome back for the 22nd day of NaPoWriMo!

Our featured participant for the day is: Alphabet Salad, where the erasure poem for Day 21 comes out of a page from Walden.

Today’s poetry resource is Empty Mirror, an online literary review. The site, which started out as focused on Beat Generation writing, now publishes new poems, book reviews, interviews and more!

And now for (as always, optional) prompt! Today is Earth Day, so I would like to challenge you to write a “pastoral” poem. Traditionally, pastoral poems involved various shepherdesses and shepherds talking about love and fields, but yours can really just be a poem that engages with nature. One great way of going about this is simply to take a look outside your window, or take a walk around a local park. What’s happening in the yard and the trees? What’s blooming and what’s taking flight?

Happy writing!

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