Two for the Show
Hello and welcome back. I hope your first day of NaPoWriMo went swimmingly and that you’re ready for more.
But now, let me draw your attention to a few links. The good folks at wordpress gave us a shout-out on their blog yesterday. Huzzah! And if you’re looking for a little inspiration, I invite you to check out Pulitzer Remix, a project sponsored by the Found Poetry Review, in which 85 different poets are daily creating found poetry remixed from Pulitzer Prize-winning books. Wow!
Our featured blog for today is Right, Write, which brings us a poem for Day 1 that I find rhetorically very compelling, as it moves from the idea of a voice to windows and brings the intimate, inside idea of a voice outside into the world, and vice versa.
And now, the prompt! Today’s prompt is drawn from an idea that Kelsey Howard gave me — that of a poem that tells a lie. I think you could have a poem that’s all lies (that could be very funny — full of things like “the sun is the size of a nickel”) or a poem that steadily builds to telling one big whopper. I can imagine these being very poignant, or very much like goofy shaggy-dog stories. I suppose it all comes down to what you want to lie about!