Hello, everyone! While the Ides of March might have been a baleful date for Julius Caesar, for us it means we’re that much closer to April 1 and the start of NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo.

In the meantime, if you’re chomping at the bit for some prompts, why not check out some online prompt generators, like the one here, and the one here? Or if you’re looking for something a bit more strange to inspire you, maybe feed the URL for a random Wikipedia entry into The Eater of Meaning (an online program that “nonsensifies” the words of individual webpages. Some of the resulting phrases may give you inspiration for a poem!).

We’ll have some other poetry resources to share with you as March winds down, and we start gearing up for April in earnest. In the meantime, please remember that you can follow our prompts and other posts on Facebook and on Twitter (@napowrimo2023).

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