Happy Friday, everyone, and happy twelfth day of Na/GloPoWriMo.

Our featured participant today is Napowrimo ’19, where the origin poem for Day Eleven is a moving ode to horses, and to the power of reading.

Today’s video resource is this short film called What Makes a Poem a Poem? That’s a difficult question for even poets to answer! Is it rhyme? Is it imagery? Is it line breaks? None of the above? All of the above? Well, if nothing else, this film assures us that whatever poetry may be, writing a poem is an essentially human act.

And last but not least, here’s our daily (optional) prompt! This one is based on a dream that the poet Natalie Eilbert had. In the dream, she was taking a poetry workshop in which each student had to bring in two objects from home – one significant and one dull. The students then had to give away or destroy the significant object, and write a poem about loving the dull thing. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem about a dull thing that you own, and why (and how) you love it. Alternatively, what would it mean to you to give away or destroy a significant object?

Happy writing!

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