Happy Sunday, everyone, and welcome back for Day Seventeen!

Today, our featured participant is unassorted stories, where the almanac poem for Day Sixteen takes the form of a saucy exchange of letters.

Our poet in translation today is Morocco’s Fatiha Morchid. Morchid came to poetry from a scientific background (she is a practicing doctor), and her short, spare poems reflect both precision of speech and an unconcern with poetic convention. You can find eleven of her poems translated into English at the link above, and a number of others at her website.

And now for our prompt (optional, as always). Today, I challenge you to find, either on your shelves or online, a specialized dictionary. This could be, for example, a dictionary of nautical terms, or woodworking terms, or geology terms. Anything, really, so long as it’s not a standard dictionary! Now write a poem that incorporates at least ten words from your specialized source. Happy writing!

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