Day Twenty
On April 20, 2017
Hello, everyone! Today, we are two-thirds of the way through NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo, and heading into the home stretch.
Our featured participant today is this and other poems, where the creation myth for Day 19 is “tenuous,” but strikingly believable!
Our interview today is a two-fer: the poet Rickey Laurentiis being interviewed by the poet Carl Phillips. You can find examples of Laurentiis’ work here and Phillips’ work here.
Last but not least, here is our (optional) prompt for the day. Today, I challenge you to write a poem that incorporates the vocabulary and imagery of a specific sport or game. Your poem could invoke chess or baseball, hopscotch or canasta, Monopoly or jai alai. The choice is yours!
Happy writing!