Hello, all, and happy fourth day of NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo!

Today’s featured participant is 7eyedwonder, where, from Day 3’s rhymes-and-near-rhymes prompt, a mighty ode to bread has risen (like dough…it’s risen…get it?).

Our poetry resource today isn’t exactly a poetry resource. Rather, it is a series of very silly twitter accounts. One thing that poetry is often said to do is make us see the familiar in a new way, and expose us to the magic of everyday life. These twitter accounts do something similar. For example @MagicRealismBot provides daily doses of weirdness, and poet Mathias Svalina’s longstanding @dreamdeliveryer does the same (Mathias also has a subscription service through which you can get dreams sent directly to you in the mail, or, if he is in your city, delivered in person!) And if that’s not enough, perhaps you will enjoy the strangeness of @GardensBritish, or the whimsy of @A_single_bear?

Our prompt for the day (optional as always) takes its cue from our gently odd resources, and asks you to write a poem based on an image from a dream. We don’t always remember our dreams, but images or ideas from them often stick with us for a very long time. I definitely have some nightmares I haven’t been able to forget, but I’ve also witnessed very lovely things in dreams (like snow falling on a flood-lit field bordered by fir trees, as seen through a plate glass window in a very warm and inviting kitchen). Need an example of a poem rooted in dream-based imagery? Try this one by Michael Collier.

Happy writing!

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