Happy Friday to all of you! And a very happy half-way point in NaPoWriMo/GloPoWriMo!

Today’s featured participant is Flutterby’s NaPoWriMo, where the san san for Day Fourteen has a surrealist, quasi-mythical tone.

Our poet in translation today is Tanzania’s Euphrase Kezilahabi. Kezilahabi was instrumental in the development of free verse poetry in Swahili. You can find six of his poems at the link above, as well as four additional poems here.

And now for our prompt (optional, as always). Because today marks the halfway point in our 30-day sprint, today I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that incorporates the idea of doubles. You could incorporate doubling into the form, for example, by writing a poem in couplets. Or you could make doubles the theme of the poem, by writing, for example, about mirrors or twins, or simply things that come in pairs. Or you could double your doublings by incorporating things-that-come-in-twos into both your subject and form. Happy writing!

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